Worship With Us
Worship Times
10:00 a.m. - In person
10:00- on line worship Attend Via Facebook Live
Worship With Us
What should I expect? Once you’ve found a nice, shady spot in our tree-lined parking lot, head over to the Sanctuary. You’ll be greeted by a friendly church member who will give you a bulletin and name tag. Then find a comfortable spot to sit. You can enjoy the pre-service music or chat with other worshipers. In the service, we will. . .
Pray together
You are invited to share any prayer requests you have by filling out a card and handing it to an usher.
Sing Songs
Led by our choir, we will sing contemporary & traditional music accompanied by piano and organ.
Explore what the Bible has to say to our lives We believe that Bible reveals God’s heart to us and its teachings can help us live joyful, abundant lives.
After the service, be sure to stick around after worship for coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall.
Worship With Us
One of the most important things we do as a church is come together regularly to worship God. We would love to have you join us!
How Do I Get There?
Our address is 5400 Seminole Blvd Seminole, FL 33772. You can come in the front entrance, and you’ll come right into the Sanctuary. Or, you can park in our lot behind the church and enter through the rear entrance. From there, you’ll walk straight down the hall and find the Sanctuary on your left. No matter where you enter, friendly greeters will be there to welcome you and provide directions.
What Should I Wear?
Feel free to wear whatever you are most comfortable in. Many of our members put on their “Sunday finest,” but many others come in their shorts or t-shirts.